First Aid Kit

first aid kitWhile you will probably need more than a first aid kit at times, having one will really help out in a pinch. This Coleman First Aid Kit is compact, and comes with a variety of supplies. This is certainly a necessity in your survival pack. It travels well and won’t weight you down. You will be able to bandage up smaller wounds. It comes with butterfly closures for slightly larger wounds, alcohol pads to sterilize the injured area, and antibiotic ointment to keep you from getting infected.

Ebola Outbreak in Dallas, Texas

A woman who was a nurse for Ebola patient Eric Duncan has contracted the deadly disease herself. This disease could very easily bring on the zombie apocalypse. Stay vigilant.

The woman had on a gown, gloves, mask and a shield during her multiple visits with Thomas Eric Duncan, but there was a breach in protocol, health officials said.


Waterproof Matches

waterproof matchesWhen the zombie apocalypse hits, you will definitely lose power. It might not happen right away, but it will happen. Without power, you won’t be able to cook without fire, and a fire will help keep you warm, which will be a necessity depending on your location. That is where these waterproof matches with a waterproof case and striker will come in handy. The case is compact and durable, and an essential part of your survival kit.